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Sunday, January 4, 2009

The top 10 Digital Cameras

There are plenty of top 10 digital camera listings existing on the world wide web. You will find that each one is different from the other and they are all made based on a various sets of conditions on the basis of which they are formulated.

Even so, it is not mandatory that the top 10 digital cameras listed put be a certain website has to be the top 10 for you. Each user of digital cameras has how or her own individual tastes and preferences so it is not necessary that the same list works well for everyone. Or you look at the top 10 digital camera lists that match your criteria. Then it makes sense. Alternatively, you can set up your own set of 10 top digital cameras.

Firstly you need to know the basic reason as to why you want to purchase a digital camera. What are you going to use the camera for? Is it for taking photos of the family at home and while on holiday? And most important of all how much are you ready to spend on it? If you answer these questions, you can get closer to finding yourself the best digital camera for you. If you intend using the digital camera while on holiday, then you must take into account the battery life of the digital camera as you will not be able to charge your camera too often. Besides you will need sufficient storage as you cannot be transferring your images every now and then.

Your digital camera should have a zoom but whether it is a digital zoom or an optical zoom will depend on your budget. If you will be taking family photos indoors then you will require a flash. Besides it will help if your digital camera is user-friendly as well as rugged so that kids in your family can also use it. Carrying bulky digital cameras while on travel can be a bother so it you find one that is light-weight and compact, it will help. If you want to use the photos on a website or a calendar then you need to have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).

If you intend using your camera while holidaying at the beach, then you might want to consider a water-proof digital camera. However, if you find that this does not fit into your budget, then you can opt for a water-proof digital camera case which works out much cheaper. You can also buy a digital camera which can record mini videos if you do not have a video camera.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you For Sharing Information on Photography and Camera with us.
digital camera